Sunday, January 17, 2010

Justice: Episode 1 - The Morning After

The rain continued pouring. He's wiggle about in his bed. His body is tired. His mind tormented with continues nightmares. It's like watching a Britney Spears concert back to back with a 50 year old Britney performing dancing clad only in a bikini with sagging boobs and screeching like a banshee.

The alarm kicked in.

...what the fuck? am I awake?

yes...I'm awake...God...(stretches...bones snapping)...damn that feels good

He could feel the warm shower. The sound of the pulsating water from the shower head echoes in his ear. He loves to be in the shower, he always feel a sense of security and calming sensation, it's just him and no one else. He needed no one else to be with him. He knows he is alone.

..why do I need someone?...I've been fine...I'll always be fine

The clock on his desk shows 10 a.m. The office is alive. Everyone is busy or acting busy.Pretending to work on a queue when they are only reading on the latest celebrity gossip on Daily Mail. His friend send him a mail via Lotus Notes. The message read:

Bro check out the news on, some judge got butchered.

...butchered?...he wasn't BUTCHERED...he's not a cattle...and I'm not a butcher...BUTCHERED!!!

He look across him to the friend that drop him that mail. He smile.A long lasting smile, ear to ear as he stared at his friend.

...I'll show you what butchered means...yes...I know you and your drug addiction...hehehehe....

His friend replied  back with a smile without realizing what just when through his mind. The clock continue to wind down. The blue collar life he is leading. The life majority of the world population devote themselves to, worshiping their bosses. A life of pencil pushers. Being told what to do and to do exactly what was told. It`s 5:30 p.m. Home. Bar. Brothel. This is the culture people succumb to. Life. That's what they call it.

As he slip into the monorail taking it to the station near his home, his thought wondered to the events that happened last night. The eyes of the judge flashed clearly in his mind. The eyes of a father. The eyes of a husband. The eyes of the life that he took away.

...what have I done?...

He sinks into depression realizing he's no different that the scums and the rodents that pollutes society. A murderer masquerading behind a mask. He started smiling. There's nothing wrong with what he did. He's the garbage man. He's cleaning the streets. He's providing a service to the society. He's protecting them.

...that's right...the bitch left...I'm the only they have...yessss

He look around the crowded tube of the monorail. A young lady in an executive suit, a teenager hanging on to his skateboard with his headphones blasting, a father and a child side by side. Everywhere there will be people and amidst these people there will always be bad blood, bad intentions. What he is doing is not wrong never wrong. Judiciary system failed him and failed society. He's Justice now as the train continues to move past buildings and the busy street below. The streets of Kuala Lumpur, a city beyond redemption.


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